Combined School

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Browse Combined Schools in Bloemfontein

Browse Combined Schools in the Bloemfontein area of the Western Cape. You can view the Combined Schools of Bloemfontein by reviewing the summary of schools below. By clicking on the school name you will be able to view the detailed description. You can also view all schools in Bloemfontein from the left menu or view them by specialisation field from the same menu.
Location: Change Phase - Change Province - Change City/Town - Bloemfontein

Combined Schools to browse in Bloemfontein
School Name Suburb / Township Phase Specialisation
Aandgloor PfsWillowsCombined SchoolOrdinary
Academy Of Excellence CisHeidedalCombined SchoolOrdinary
Accelerated Christian College PisNoordhoekCombined SchoolOrdinary
Bfn Christian (ace) CisBrandwagCombined SchoolOrdinary
Bloemfontein-oos IsLakeviewCombined SchoolOrdinary
Bloemspruit CsShannon ValleyCombined SchoolOrdinary
Calculus Bloemfontein CisOos-eindeCombined SchoolOrdinary
Castlebridge CsWilgehofCombined SchoolOrdinary
Christian Brothers College CisBayswaterCombined SchoolOrdinary
Dankbaar Cvo CisGroenvleiCombined SchoolOrdinary
Dr Bethuel Setai IfsMangaungCombined SchoolOrdinary
Dr Viljoen CsWillowsCombined SchoolOrdinary
Elyon Academy CisBloemfonteinCombined SchoolOrdinary
Ihobe IsPhahamengCombined SchoolOrdinary
Khakhau IsGlenCombined SchoolOrdinary
Koot Niemann IsShannon ValleyCombined SchoolOrdinary
Legae IsBathoCombined SchoolOrdinary
Mabeoana IsPhahamengCombined SchoolOrdinary
Nelly Paeds CsTempeCombined SchoolOrdinary
Nozala IsPhahamengCombined SchoolOrdinary
President Steyn CsWaterbronCombined SchoolOrdinary
Semajan CsRoodewalCombined SchoolOrdinary
Shannon PisShannon ValleyCombined SchoolOrdinary
St Andrew's CsWestdeneCombined SchoolOrdinary
St Michael's CsBrandwagCombined SchoolOrdinary
Waterbron IsBainsvleiCombined SchoolOrdinary

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9am - 4pm
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