Intermediate School

School by Phase

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Browse Intermediate Schools in Brits

Browse Intermediate Schools in the Brits area of the Western Cape. You can view the Intermediate Schools of Brits by reviewing the summary of schools below. By clicking on the school name you will be able to view the detailed description. You can also view all schools in Brits from the left menu or view them by specialisation field from the same menu.
Location: Change Phase - Change Province - Change City/Town - Brits

Intermediate Schools to browse in Brits
School Name Suburb / Township Phase Specialisation
Academy For ChristBritsIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Ba-mogopa Middle SchoolBethanieIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Bob Edward Middle SchoolBaponeIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Gotsube Middle SchoolSegwaelaneIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Johane MokolobetsiBapongIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Keitumetse Primary SchoolKlipgatIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Letlhabile Middle SchoolBritsIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Mamagalieskraal Middle SchoolMamagalieskraalIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Mmadikete Secondery SchoolLethabongIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Ramadikela Middle SchoolRankotea VillageIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Retlhatlositswe Middle SchoolBritsIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Rooikoppies 44 Primary SchoolLethabongIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Sanddrift PrimaryLethabongIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Seamoge Junior Secondery SchoolBrits RuralIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Sedimosang Secondary SchoolMothotlungIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Sephola BanatsoUnit 9Intermediate SchoolComprehensive
Solomon Lion Middle SchoolMaboloka VillageIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Thusanang Middle SchoolMakgabetlwaneIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Tlhako A Thamaga Middle SchoolBrits RuralIntermediate SchoolComprehensive
Tlhapi Moruwe Middle SchoolWonderkopIntermediate SchoolComprehensive

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