Combined School

School by Phase

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Browse Combined Schools in Stutterheim

Browse Combined Schools in the Stutterheim area of the Western Cape. You can view the Combined Schools of Stutterheim by reviewing the summary of schools below. By clicking on the school name you will be able to view the detailed description. You can also view all schools in Stutterheim from the left menu or view them by specialisation field from the same menu.
Location: Change Phase - Change Province - Change City/Town - Stutterheim

Combined Schools to browse in Stutterheim
School Name Suburb / Township Phase Specialisation
Isihoboti Public Combined SchoolStutterheimCombined SchoolCommercial
Kubusie Combined SchoolStutterheimCombined SchoolOrdinary
Sonkosi Js SchoolTsomoCombined SchoolOrdinary
Stutterheim High SchoolStutterheimCombined SchoolOrdinary
Stutterheim P SchoolStutterheimCombined SchoolOrdinary

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Monday - Friday:
9am - 4pm
Saturday - Sunday: