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Browse Schools in Hibberdene at School4SA

The south African city of Hibberdene has 23 schools all suburbs and townships. You can review the schools summary below or for a full prifule on any school you can click on the links below. To refine the results by specialisation or by phase please use the links to you right-hand side to view the results.
Current Location:
Choose Province - Choose City in Eastern Cape - Hibberdene
Nearby Areas:
Port Shepstone - Highflats - Umzinto - Umzumbe - Margate - Hibiscus Coast - Harding - Uminto - Durban - St. Faiths

Schools to browse in Hibberdene
School Name Suburb / Township Phase Specialisation
Bhekamandelu HHibberdeneSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Bonginduna CpMtwalumePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Emabheleni CpHibberdenePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Enkungwini PHibberdenePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Esibanini JpHibberdenePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Gobhela PMathuliniPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Khathi HHibberdeneSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Kwahlongwa PHibberdenePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Kwangwenda CpEmabheleni NtabubomvuPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Mtumaseli HHibberdeneSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Mzingelwa PHibberdenePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Ndunge PNdungewardPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Ngawu JsHibberdeneIntermediate SchoolOrdinary
Nkehlamandla JpHibberdenePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Sbongushozi JsMtwalumeSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Sibongujeza PHibberdenePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Sibongumfeka SsHibberdeneSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Sizanayo HHibberdeneSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Sosukwana PHibberdenePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Stoney Hill PEmabheleniPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Thuthukani Mabhele JpEmzinhlangaPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Umzumbe HUmzumbeSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Zizamele PEmabheleniPrimary SchoolOrdinary

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